Articles and Publications

Here are published articles on AnIML and related topics.


  • Data Exchange in the Laboratory of the Future - A Glimpse at AnIML and SiLA, GIT Laboratory Journal 10/2019online version, PDF version
  • Quo Vadis: Datenaustausch im Labor der Zukunft - Ein Blick auf AnIML und SiLA (German version), GIT Laborjournal 10/2019online version, PDF version
  • "Documenting laboratory workflows using the Analytical Information Markup Language",
    Burkhard A. Schaefer, Dominik Poetz, and Gary W. Kramer, JALA 9(6), 375-381 (2004)
  • "Automated Generation of AnIML Documents by Analytical Instruments",
    Alexander Roth, Ronny Jopp, Reinhold Schaefer, and Gary W. Kramer, JALA 11(4), 247-253 (2004)
  • "Herding AnIMLs" Tony Davies, Chem. Int. 29(6), 21-23 (2007)

